Op On Twitter Says Their Flying Was Delayed Because Of Seventeen

"I got on the same bird amongst a man child grouping inward Okinawa yesterday. I don't know the argue but because of that man child group, the flying was delayed for an hour. The statement said nosotros had to await because "there are passengers who checked inward but didn't instruct on the plane". They showed upward later on amongst their faces covered as well as went right away to concern seats. Some staff members sat on economic scheme seats. Some passengers complained as well as asked why nosotros had to receive got the inconvenience for them. I won't tell anything if this was a province of affairs where it had to survive delayed no affair who it was. But if this was particular handling for celebrities, I'll survive real baffled. If y'all desire to piece of occupation the bird according to your ain schedule, purchase your own."


Pann: Idols who were a nuisance to a flight

1. [+382, -16] The bird would've but taken off if it was non-celebrities, therefore funny. Celebrities must survive happy amongst all these particular treatments

2. [+372, -8] An hour? Are they crazy? It's fifty-fifty funnier that the flying agency waited for them.

3. [+333, -11] So many people had to await for an hr but for thirteen idols?

4. [+195, -3] They're alone getting this much of loathe because they're non popular. If it was a 1st tier group, it would've been a top post service inside three hours amongst to a greater extent than than 1k likes as well as amongst much to a greater extent than loathe ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+167, -9] It's a particular treatment. I used to survive a flying attendant. In the airport, y'all tin flame run across soil staffs running but about as well as shouting names. That's for finding passengers who checked inward but didn't instruct on the bird as well as are withal shopping but about inward duty-free shops. The soil staffs receive got to run but about a lot as well as fifty-fifty receive got to brand calls to detect them. But waiting for an hr instead of finding them early? That's a particular treatment. If they don't instruct on the plane, the bird can't receive got off.

6. [+163, -1] If they didn't banking concern jibe in, they're but no-show passengers therefore the flying would've taken off without them. But if the bird had to await for an hour, it agency the idols checked in, went through the customs, checked inward their luggages, as well as were inward the duty-free area. What was their argue for beingness late, then?

7. [+146, -4] If they had to wait, it agency the idols went through the customs as well as were inward the duty-free area. How tin flame they but hang but about as well as disturb others yesteryear beingness late? Nugus causing trouble.

8. [+115, -3] I read OP's tweets. Apparently, the flying was already delayed for thirty minutes as well as it was delayed yesteryear some other hr because of Seventeen. How tin flame the passengers non survive pissed off at this?

9. [+91, -5] Due to safety reasons, if person went through the customs as well as didn't instruct on the plane, the bird tin flame never receive got off no affair who it is. It's because person mightiness set explosive materials inward their checked inward luggage as well as avoid the plane. If this is true, the idols are at mistake for beingness belatedly for no reason.

10. [+85, -1] Wow, if I were 1 of the passengers, I would've been f*cking pissed off ㅋㅋㅋ

11. [+73, -0] Some people tell it's non Seventeen because Seventeen was departing as well as the OP was arriving, but the OP said they were arriving to Incheon from Okinawa as well as Seventeen likewise left Okinawa on the 17th as well as arrived inward Incheon. In the same week, there's some other man child grouping who performed inward Okinawa but their flying engagement is different. Seventeen is the alone grouping who flew to Incheon from Okinawa on that date.

12. [+68, -0] Are they crazy? They checked inward as well as everything but they kept hanging but about piece knowing that their bird was getting delayed for them.

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