Jessica Rumored To Debut Inwards Chinese V Fellow Member Daughter Grouping Through Audition Show

Article: Former SNSD fellow member Jessica to debut amongst Chinese five fellow member group

Source: Newsis via Naver

1. [+1,058, -18] Jessica-ya, of all places, why inwards China..

2. [+504, -9] After sitting on all that debt from getting involved amongst that scammer, she left SNSD exclusively to halt upwards similar this inwards China..

3. [+380, -9] It's a feeling that can't hold upwards position into words. The SNSD members are making a comeback on the fifth spell Jessica is debuting 1 time again amongst a Chinese daughter grouping the same day..

4. [+326, -5] If she wasn't inwards debt, produce you lot actually intend she'd hold upwards debuting 1 time again amongst a grouping inwards China, non fifty-fifty every bit a solo? Seems similar she's actually inwards the reds.

5. [+276, -155] Another daughter grouping at historic menses 35? Just become produce your identify chores.

6. [+51, -0] Jessica ㅋㅋ she's actually existence rolled out hither as well as in that location for that money

7. [+43, -5] She betrayed SNSD to run off as well as produce her trouble organisation exclusively to hold upwards out of coin as well as having to debut 1 time again inwards China

8. [+33, -1] She was a fellow member of a daughter grouping that represented an entire generation... feels similar she's selling herself short

9. [+26, -1] Girl group? Isn't she one-time plenty to hold upwards called ajumma groups now?

10. [+22, -1] She's a sly fiddling fox. She betrayed the SNSD members against their wishes as well as spent all that coin trying to run her trouble organisation exclusively to halt upwards debuting amongst a daughter grouping inwards Cathay later running her trouble organisation into the ground

11. [+19, -0] If she had exclusively waited 3 years as well as kept the SNSD title, she could've run whatsoever amount of successful businesses that she wanted ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

12. [+17, -1] If exclusively she never met that scammer who led her into these failed businesses. She would've been much amend off staying inwards SNSD ㅋ likewise bad she felt likewise arrogant to stay

13. [+15, -0] Is Jessica inwards ask of quick cash? ㅠㅠ

14. [+12, -1] She's gotta brand coin somehow

15. [+6, -0] She's inwards a daughter grouping amongst Gillian Chung? Isn't that the ex-girlfriend of her electrical flow boyfriend? ㅋㅋ

16. [+5, -0] If she had stayed every bit a designer, as well as thence I would've actually believed that that was her truthful passion as well as supported her... but she's released a book, opened a YouTube channel - which, fine, tin hold upwards for her fans - but is instantly debuting amongst a daughter grouping inwards China..

17. [+4, -0] Chinese daughter group?? She's actually cheapening herself similar that??? I'd rather retire than debut amongst a Chinese daughter group

18. [+4, -0] Sigh... this is only sorry thence let's all pretend nosotros didn't meet it

19. [+3, -0] She feels to a greater extent than similar a Chinese celebrity than a Korean celebrity instantly ㅡㅡ

20. [+3, -0] Even I experience embarrassed for her


Source: Naver

1. [+1,575, -31] Everything from her brand upwards to her icon looks thence Chinese as well as tacky

2. [+785, -18] Did her trouble organisation flop? I approximate she has to produce this if she wants to pay dorsum her debt... but does she non convey whatsoever pride left?

3. [+382, -10] She caused all that fuss only to exit as well as realize that she can't become far inwards our province as well as instantly she has to stick it out inwards China

4. [+357, -32] Idol? More similar middle-aged idol, right? I'm concerned that she's going to embarass us as well as give Chinese netizens an excuse to abhor on Korean idols for. I tin already meet Chinese netizens using her every bit bait for hating on us.

5. [+171, -19] She's thence one-time now, though. Surely non a normal idol group? Some older grouping similar Unni's?


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