Pristin (Pledis Girls) Kim Minkyung's Underage Drinking & Clubbing

Pann: Please orbit us a feedback on Pristin (Pledis Girls) Kim Minkyung

1. [+147, -3] They took a lot of attention on Seventeen in addition to nonetheless they don't fifty-fifty attention most Pledis Girls ㅋㅋ

2. [+130, -6] I trust to avoid stanning Pledis' woman individual artists

3. [+105, -3] If she was a normal girl, she wouldn't convey drank liquor at a bar

4. [+61, -0] They're actually harsh on Seventeen but they don't fifty-fifty bother to filter Pristin? They should travel promoting Seventeen to a greater extent than piece they're rising. Seventeen has a lot of potentials, they should travel promoted until they pop off a stable group. Pledis is actually bad at management. I don't desire to compare but Big Hit pose all of their endeavour on BTS when they showed potentials. Instead of using Seventeen every bit a bundle deal, they convey to travel promoted more. They tin flame rising to a greater extent than if they're promoted.

5. [+55, -1] They're non afraid of anything because they convey fans shielding in addition to stanning them ㅋㅋㅋㅋ On Naver articles, criticizing comments larn downvoted a lot alongside shielding replies.

6. [+52, -17] A lot of Pledis Girls members are similar that. I justice Pledis gave upward on characters...

7. [+51, -3] Pledis needs to but focus on Seventeen ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Seventeen fans know that Pledis can't multitask. Feb is already packed alongside Japanese promotions in addition to debut. Instead of making Seventeen halt upward similar NU'EST, they demand to brand Seventeen stable first.

8. [+51, -7] That's why I abhor Pledis Girls

9. [+49, -4] Don't telephone outcry upward them a sis group... I don't desire a sis similar that.

10. [+44, -1] I wishing they'd debut later on Seventeen rises more... But the province of affairs is a trivial ambiguous. They demand to debut shortly because they're pop alongside IOI in addition to Produce 101, but they also demand to come about Seventeen.

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