Bts Jungkook Chooses His Ain Gifts From Fansite Masters?

I considered a lot for the gift. I had a listing as well as Jungkook was at overseas for a few days. I wanted to plow over him something that he needed. It's a laptop for gaming as well as it tin plow over notice run Overwatch(?) amongst its fast speed. I chose the laptop model past times Jungkook's ain opinion.

I gave him a jet dark iPhone vii plus! It's the model that Jungkook wanted. Hope he uses it for a long fourth dimension <3


Pann: A celebrity who chooses his gifts

1. [+859, -492] Is he a beggar or what? Wow.

2. [+817, -366] Hul, the fact that a fansite principal sends a listing as well as he chooses from them is to a greater extent than shocking... It's as well as then blunt... Am I the alone 1 who's shocked? I've never seen an idol who does this. I'm serious.

3. [+725, -377] He could purchase them on his own.

4. [+369, -62] Fans proceed shielding him past times proverb that it's done past times the company's feedback but the fact that he tells his society what he wants to decease is incorrect plenty ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's a truthful ATM work. He could at to the lowest degree pretend to tell that he doesn't desire gifts ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Instead, he chooses specific products. Is he a beggar?

5. [+251, -35] Huh, he has plenty coin to purchase them on his own. Some celebrities don't elevate close it at all as well as their companies decline gifts as well as then that they wouldn't pressure level the fans. I gauge it's the fans' selection but it's a bit... iffy.

6. [+241, -130] These are the facts. Don't move fooled past times the trolls.

"When it's his birthday, the fansite masters ship the society a listing of gifts as well as he chooses the specific colors as well as models only. It's already discussed betwixt the society as well as the fansite masters."

7. [+207, -43] Why is no 1 demanding the OP to motion to Fan Talk when it's close an idol? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Double standards, no 1 cares because it's a bashing post service

8. [+183, -201] He's non contacting the fansite masters personally ㅋㅋ It's the society that connects them. Fansite masters desire to plow over the members the exact models, as well as then they communicate through the society first. If it's every bit good expensive, the society stops them inwards advance.

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