Kim Hye Soo's Netflix Drama 'Juvenile Justice' Earns High Praise

Article: Why can't the broadcast channels arrive at dramas equally practiced equally Netflix?

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

1. [+1,443, -23] Kim Hye Soo's acting is likewise good. I applauded piece watching, for real.

2. [+582, -8] There's precisely likewise much blatant PPL inwards broadcast channel dramas. They ruin the period of time of the drama alongside the random stops to drinkable or consume something.

3. [+382, -17] Kim Hye Soo is a truthful legend...

4. [+143, -0] Kim Hye Soo has been a wall since 'Signal' together with 'Hyena'. The plot of her novel drama is equally practiced equally expected. I idea it moved at a irksome stride at starting fourth dimension but her judgment at the terminate was non only touching but refreshing. It shows how scary the project of belongings someone immature or onetime responsible for their offense inwards monastic say to ready an representative for the residuum of society. It makes you lot reverberate on whether the judgments of our ain guild are just.

5. [+137, -1] If this drama had been produced yesteryear a broadcast channel, Kim Hye Soo would hold upward depicted putting on a random lotion earlier heading into court. After trial, Kim Moo Yeol would manus her a hongsam drinkable stick piece the justice takes a topographic point inwards a massage chair because he needs a break. I dearest Netflix because in that place aren't random PPL scenes that disrupt the period of time of the plot.

6. [+83, -0] Watching the trailer alone, you'd assume that Kim Hye Soo is precisely approximately prosecutor who has it out for immature manful mortal criminals, but it's truly a cold, difficult expression at the consequence of immature manful mortal criminals today. It's a cracking drama. 

7. [+83, -3] The drama lacks reality inwards that in that place is no justice inwards our the world who is equally precisely equally her

8. [+75, -1] The drama felt similar an American TV show. Every instance moved at a fast stride without whatever bloat. Simple script together with cinematography, a cracking slice of locomote all around.

9. [+45, -1] Broadcast channels possess got gotten likewise used to pouring coin into celebrity diversity shows who do nada but sing together with chat. They possess got no balls to arrive at something similar this. 

10. [+29, -0] The drama is cracking together with Kim Hye Soo's acting is overstep notch, but what I enjoyed the virtually was beingness able to meet justice played out at to the lowest degree vicariously through the shroud since it doesn't hand inwards existent life. Children these days aren't but children anymore. They tin hold upward precisely as, fifty-fifty to a greater extent than evil than adults.

11. [+27, -0] Probably i of the best recent Netflix dramas. Way ameliorate than 'All of Us Are Dead', though they are dissimilar genres.

12. [+28, -2] A good made drama indeed. KBS could only dream of producing a drama similar this i time every 3-4 years, at to the lowest degree it'd hold upward worth my taxes then.


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