Han Sunhwa Talks Of Wanting To Become Married

Article: '33 twelvemonth old' Han Sunhwa, "A lot of people roughly me are getting married... it makes me wishing to instruct married too"

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+169] That's a bad argue for wanting to instruct married

2. [+93] Marriage is non something yous should pursue because everyone else is doing it... 😢

3. [+71] I tin give the sack form of relate to her. Friends don't remain amongst yous forever no affair how much yous wishing them yesteryear your side creating memories amongst yous all the fourth dimension 😢 Every fourth dimension my friends instruct married too create their ain families, I experience similar I'm getting a friend taken away from me. It makes me crave existence inward a human relationship because I'm lonely. I wishing my friends to remain amongst me all the fourth dimension but they all function out me for their lovers on the weekends  😂

4. [+5] This is a actually bad argue to wishing to instruct married ㅠㅠㅠ your friends are getting married because they've decided it's the correct fourth dimension for them to ㅎㅎㅎ

5. [+12] Marriage is existent life, guys...

6. 33 is nonetheless young... savor your life to a greater extent than ❤️❤️

7. You own got to overcome this wishing immediately too then that yous tin give the sack expire along to alive a gratuitous too happy life

8. Once yous overcome this phase inward your life, you'll live on fine

9. The determination to instruct married should ever live on afterward a lot of deliberation, non merely because everyone else is

10. Life actually passes yesteryear too then fast... I can't believe that cutesy idol Sunhwa is immediately former plenty to live on talking almost marriage

11. Sounds similar she has somebody inward her view that she's cook for spousal human relationship with

12. I shout out back Kwanghee too Sunhwa matched too then good inward 'We Got Married'


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