Incels Come Upwards Later On Nmixx's Haewon For Reading A Majority Written Yesteryear Feminist Authors

Video: Fans are demanding NMIXX's Haewon to exit the group

Source: Sojang via YouTube

1. [+273] She's a smart kid. I'm sure she's truly busy but she all the same finds the fourth dimension to read.

2. [+120] I intend it's admirable that she's all the same reading despite her super busy schedule

3. [+113] Reminds me of that ane incident where virile individual viewers got mad at a streamer for non streaming on Christmas 24-hour interval too defendant her of losing her v*rginity

4. [+90] It's solely incels who intend of books similar this, no? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's non similar the residual of us conduct hold thought whether a sure mass is written yesteryear a feminist or not; too why should nosotros care. Incels, exit your message boards too become touching grass...

5. [+189] It's clear from the screencaps of their comments that they intend they're then self-important... similar they truly believe that they conduct hold to a greater extent than influence than they truly do

6. [+116] 

Any normal person: Ah, she must honey romance novels. 

Incels: A mass written yesteryear due north publish of feminist writers??? So she's a feminist?

7. [+140] But really, how is Haewon supposed to know how many of the writers inwards her mass are feminists?? It's non similar nosotros await upwardly every unmarried author nosotros read from.. ㅋㅋ

8. [+202] So what, nosotros all know that it's the woman individual fans who are truly keeping groups afloat ㅋㅋ incel men tin scream too outcry all they want, no one's leaving because of their opinions Love y'all Haewon unni

9. [+20] Doesn't matter. It's the woman individual fans who pass coin on groups, n ot virile individual fans.

10. [+90] And then what if the author's a feminist? I'm truly glad this happened because straight off they'll teach to a greater extent than woman individual fans too permit the virile individual fans leave.

11. [+31] These incels are then self-important ㅋㅋ these idols don't fifty-fifty know y'all exist, they sure don't attention if y'all forgive them or non for reading feminist books...

12. [+113] All this over ane mass ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ hilarious ㅋ they're then scared of women educating themselves

13. [+252] What's incorrect amongst them.. ㅋ Anyway, nosotros all know that virile individual fans are useless. The woman individual fans are the ones who pick out inwards the coin for both virile individual too woman individual groups ㅋㅋㅋ y'all stinky men tin bark all y'all want, y'all conduct hold no deport upon on them at all ㅋㅋㅋ

14. [+108] Nothing to run across here, only Korean incels existence Korean incels ^^

15. [+78] They're then mad over what? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

16. [+14] Male fans pick out inwards no coin for a grouping ㅋㅋ all they produce is conduct hold hidden photographic idiot box camera videos at fan signings

17. [+66] Who pissed off the incels ane time to a greater extent than ㅋㅋㅋ

18. [+71] Oof, then sensitive ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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