51% Academy Students Nation They'd Become To Prison Theatre For A Twelvemonth For $1 Million

Article: Bitter situation... 51% academy students, "I volition become to prison theatre for $1 million"

Source: Newsis via Nate

1. [+1098, -16] The number is 51% because they're academy students. If they asked this to people working at a piteous company, the number volition hold upwards to a greater extent than than 80%.

2. [+871, -17] The prison theatre looks meliorate than a goshiwon. If you lot own got to fix for a big exam, it's non a bad place.

3. [+755, -11] This makes your annual salary $1 million, why wouldn't you lot go? Since the average annual salary of immature adults is $25000, you lot own got to inquire if they'd become to prison theatre for that coin instead. The enquiry itself is flawed.

4. [+26, -0] Imagine earning $5000 per calendar month together with saving $3000. You're saving $36000 per twelvemonth then it'll accept xxx years to relieve $1 million... Going to prison theatre for sure.

5. [+25, -2] It's a proficient deal... Life is tough

6. [+19, -1] I'd become for $0.5 million, too.

7. [+18, -1] $1 i 1000 m for a year, definitely going.

8. [+16, -1] Are the 49% students empty inward the caput or own got they never worked? I'd fifty-fifty become for $0.3 million.

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