Jung Hae Inwards Criticized For Standing Inwards The Middle Inwards Baeksang Arts Awards Photo

TV Program awards
Best Actor: Cho Seung Woo (“Stranger”)
Best Actress: Kim Nam Joo (“Misty”)

Film awards
Best Actor: Kim Yoon Suk (“1987”)
Best Actress: Na Moon Hee (“I Can Speak”)

TV daesang: Stranger
Film daesang: 1987

Cho Seung Woo in addition to Kim Yoon Suk became actors who won the Best Actor Award in addition to starred inwards the daesang film. Kim Yoon Suk's some other cinema also won an award.

However, inwards the grouping photo, Jung Hae In is standing inwards the center

In 2017 Baeksang photo, Kim Eun Sook (daesang winner) was inwards the center

In 2016 Baeksang photo, Lee Jook Ik (daesang winner) was inwards the center

But inwards 2018 Baeksang photo, Jung Hae In is inwards the center. He solely won Popularity Award, non Rookie Award or Best Actor Award.

Suzy, who won the same Popularity Award, is standing on the real left side inwards the instant row.

Because of him, Kim Yoon Suk won the Best Actor Award in addition to was a chief business office instrumentalist inwards the daesang cinema but he was pushed to the instant row

Side note: Kim Soo Hyun when he won Popularity Award amongst The Stars


Pann: Controversial Jung Hae In at Baeksang Arts Awards

1. [+532, -10] Honestly, it's non piece of cake for a rookie business office instrumentalist to stand upwards theatre similar that when at that spot are big sunbaes to a greater extent than or less him. He looks shameless. I actually liked him inwards dramas but his graphic symbol is bad inwards existent life. I'm hence disappointed.

2. [+532, -5] I flare-up into laughter when somebody said if this was Miss Korea, it's the Photogenic standing inwards the center, non the winners ㅋㅋ

3. [+523, -5] What did Kim Yoon Suk create incorrect ㅠㅠ It took him half dozen years to win the award...

4. [+179, -1] Kim Soo Hyun is hence cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+174, -1] Meanwhile his fellowship is shamelessly promoting him for his manners.

Article: Jung Hae In, his skillful manners in addition to mental attitude shown at Baeksang every bit good every bit his 'flower smile'

6. [+172, -1] Kim Soo Hyun's gif was when he simply finished The Stars in addition to won iii awards ㅋㅋㅋㅋ You can't assist but compare.

7. [+170, -5] Male fox... hence gross. The PD must've gestured him to motion away but he's standing at that spot shamelessly.

8. [+148, -1] It shows whether he'll live a long-lasting business office instrumentalist or not.

9. [+142, -1] It's non similar he's clueless, either ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+127, -0] Doesn't he experience uncomfortable to stand upwards at that spot when he's nothing? Even if others told him to stand upwards there, he should experience uncomfortable.


Article: 'Jung Hae In's centre greed?' Looking at the video of 2018 Baeksang Arts Awards photo

Source: eastward Today via Nate

1. [+4001, -336] I tin empathise if he was beingness nervous but normal people would never create that. If you're taking a grouping photograph amongst professors, sunbaes, in addition to higher positions in addition to you're standing inwards the center, it agency that yous receive got no manners or your senses are abnormally slow. If you're normal, you'd stand upwards on the side fifty-fifty if others told yous to stand upwards inwards the center.

2. [+3441, -429] There's a argue why he's 31 in addition to non pop yet. His plant did good in addition to he benefited from Son Ye Jin hence I idea he'd finally hitting big but looking at his behavior, this is the destination for him.

3. [+3432, -349] The staff told him to motion but he nevertheless stood there.

4. [+409, -8] In the instant row, Suzy in addition to Park Ho San are standing inwards an awkward spot in addition to there's an empty spot too Suzy, that's where Jung Hae In was supposed to stand. Kim Nam Joo in addition to Cho Seung Woo are inwards the front end row in addition to Kim Yoon Suk was supposed to stand upwards where Jung Hae In was. For some reason, Jung Hae In kept standing at that spot piece other actors were busy moving in addition to finding their ain spots. The staff ended upwards telling him to motion away but he never did. It led to a ridiculous province of affairs of Kim Yoon Suk beingness pushed to the instant row when he won the Best Actor Award.

5. [+387, -13] Others volition retrieve Jung Hae In won the daesang

6. [+349, -10] Very stubborn of him


Article: Unexpected argument of 'Baeksang' center... Jung Hae In is hot indeed

Source: Xports News via Naver

1. [+4887, -880] There are fancams of it already... He's non immature in addition to he's non a rookie, either. His deportment can't live understood.

2. [+4048, -312] So it's controversial because he's hot? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Anyone doing this would teach controversial fifty-fifty if they weren't hot. It's an lawsuit of having no manners. His fellowship knows he was wrong, too. That's why they cash inwards one's chips along releasing skillful articles of him.

3. [+3346, -214] How many times are they switching the articles? Watch the fancams in addition to hence write articles. The staff tells him to motion but he stands at that spot firmly. His greeting is simply a lite tilt of the head. A marriage photograph is centered yesteryear the groom in addition to the bride. A Baeksang photograph is centered yesteryear the daesang winner in addition to best actors. You retrieve a 31-year-old did this yesteryear mistake? Imagine Suzy doing this who won the same award. He's acting every bit if he won the daesang. Are yous nevertheless gonna telephone phone it OK if your favorite business office instrumentalist wins a daesang in addition to a rookie business office instrumentalist steals his spot? And aspect at these shielding articles. He should simply state sorry.

4. [+2258, -88] It's non issued because he's hot. It's issued because it happened for the kickoff fourth dimension ㅋㅋㅋㅋ How tin the popularity laurels winner live the chief of Baeksang ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+2159, -250] People who aren't interested are gonna destination upwards watching the fancams in addition to teach his antis because of this media-play. They media-played him for beingness a descendant of Jung Yak Yong but where are his manners in addition to modesty?

6. [+675, -28] I'm non an anti. It could tumble out if yous stand upwards naturally in addition to somehow teach pushed to the center. But it's non what happened inwards the fancams. He stands inwards the centre kickoff in addition to hence never moves. The staff tells him to motion to the side but he stands at that spot firmly. That's why it's controversial.

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