Fans Re-Congratulate Nu'est W's Get-Go Win Afterwards Kang Dongho's Representative Is Cleared

Pann: Please congratulate on NU'EST W's offset win!

1. [+192, -4] I scrolled downwards without thinking anything only it's as well as thus heartbreaking. I promise they create well. Hwaiting.

2. [+179, -4] I couldn't slumber as well as saw this post. Congratulations, cheering for you lot ㅎㅎ Loves, delight protect them good as well as thus that a lot of people tin ship away bask NU'EST's music as well as purchase their albums They're a really likeable group.

3. [+162, -2] Big congratulations

4. [+92, -1] If you lot scout the encore video, the staff watches the members crying as well as says "wow, they got hither past times their ain power" "exactly". It's actually daebak. The staff could've been watching them on music shows since pre-Produce. It was as well as thus touching...

5. [+69, -1] The members couldn't believe it ㅠㅠ

6. [+65, -1] NU'EST W's comeback was on Oct 10 as well as the articles of the sexual harassment were out on Oct 12. They won #1 on chiliad Countdown on Oct nineteen only they got as well as thus much abhor for the articles that didn't fifty-fifty happen. Some non-fans yet congratulated winning #1, I actually give thank you lot them. It was their offset #1 afterwards half dozen years of debut only nosotros got bashed instead. We were told to focus on the promotions as well as that nosotros robbed an empty house. We were happy only distressing at the same time.

7. [+55, -0] Loves couldn't hold out happy alongside their offset #1. Congratulations, I'll cheer for them.

8. [+47, -0] The #1 seems as well as thus precious for them. I'm non a fan only it made me tear up. NU'EST is likeable for about reason, peradventure because I'm a Wannable. Congratulations as well as their vocal is actually good. I intend that's If You or Where You At only I liked both songs. I personally actually similar Daybreak as well as Hello. I promise they larn all the congratulations they didn't larn at that time.

9. [+44, -0] They were asked how they felt when they won #1 as well as Jonghyun said his optic wound as well as thus much... It was to a greater extent than telling than maxim "I was happy".

10. [+39, -0] Eunkwang was as well as thus happy ㅋㅋ So likeable how BTOB congratulated them wholeheartedly. They must hold out actually close. I similar BTOB as well as NU'EST's friendship

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