Can Y'all Percentage Hurting Amongst Others?

Article: They tell hurting becomes one-half if yous portion it, but tin dismiss yous portion pain?

Source: Hangyurae via Naver

1. [+327, -4] If yous portion pain, it becomes your weakness. If yous portion joy, it gets returned amongst jealousy.

2. [+101, -7] I actually grip that sharing hurting gives yous a weakness ㅋㅋㅋㅋ If yous portion your pain, people starting fourth dimension gossiping as well as tell "that soul is struggling similar that " That's why I never portion my pain. There's likewise this proverb "You pop off jealous when your cousin buys a land." So if yous portion joy, yous pop off a target of jealousy ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+75, -1] You must portion your joy amongst those who choose the same joy as well as portion your hurting amongst those who choose the same pain! Or else your joy brings jealousy as well as your hurting becomes your weakness!

4. [+54, -2] Getting heartless consolation makes it harder. It's ameliorate to endure alone.

5. [+21, -4] If yous portion pain, you're merely spreading hurting to others.

6. [+14, -0] Now that I'm 50, I've learned that others are non interested inwards my pain. So don't crusade to portion it. The best revenge inwards the basis is to demo that you're living a keen life. With dignity as well as modesty <3

7. [+12, -1] I ever experience that sharing joy brings jealousy as well as sharing hurting gives yous a weakness. No thing how closed I am to the person, I never portion anything. People can't stand upward it when someone is doing well. I'm a adult woman but this is severe amid women especially.

8. [+12, -1] Sharing hurting makes others happy as well as sharing joy makes others jealous. It's human nature.

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