Toheart (Key Of Shinee Woohyun Of Infinite) - Delicious

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Toheart  (Key of Shinee & Woohyun of Infinite) - Delicious  (released inward Mar, 2014)
This Love, This Love,
I Swear That It's Delicious
I Swear That It's Delicious
I Swear That It's Delicious
Come On Girl, Love Is So Nutritious
Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious
Verse 1)
너무 예뻐 / 미쳐 / 여신인 듯 해 (G63-3)
so pretty  /  (I) crazy / goddess similar
(You’re together with thence pretty, I’m going crazy, you’re similar a goddess.)
잡을게 없어 / 완벽해 / 내게 (G43)
falut to honor don’t have / perfect / me to
( You dont bring a error to find, perfect to me.)
Come On Girl, Love Is So Nutritious
Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious
존재 자체로도 / 설레이게 해 (G40)
existence itself with fifty-fifty / (you) make pump race
( Even with your beingness alone,  you brand my pump race.)
나는 자신 있어 / 너를 아니까 (G39)
I  confident /  you (I) know because
( I’m confident because I know you.)
Come On Girl, Love Is So Nutritious
Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious
너의  손을 / 잡고 싶어 (G4)
your  hand / (I) hold desire to
( I desire to concur your hand.)
입술  / 느껴보고 싶어 (G9,4)
lips / (I) experience assay desire to
( I desire to assay to experience your lips.)
귓가에 / 사랑속삭이고 싶어 (G4)
ear side in/ love (I) whisper desire to
( I desire to whisper dear inward your ear.)
나를 허락해줘 / 제발  (G28)
me allow please / please
( Please allow me , please)
만 보면 / 내가 두근거려 (G22)
you simply encounter if (I)  / I  pound
( If I simply encounter you,  my pump  pounds.)
뜸 들이지마 / 안겨 (G2)
hesitate dont / come into  arms
( Don’t hesitate, come upwards into my arms.)
Words) 너무: so, really 예쁘다: to endure pretty 미치다: to endure crazy 여신: goodess ( 신: god)  흠 잡다: to honor a error  완벽하다: to endure pretty 없다: non to bring 완벽하다: to endure perfect  내게: to me (casual) 존재: beingness  N자체: due north itself  N 도: fifty-fifty due north  설레이게 하다: to brand pump race, to excite  나는: I ( casual, 나: I 는: contrast marker) 자신있다: to endure confident 너를: yous (casual, 너: you, 를: object marker) 알다: to know  너의: your  손: mitt  잡다: to concur  입술: lips 느끼다: to experience  귓가: ear side  사랑: dear  속삭이다: to whisper  나를: me ( casual, 나: I 를:object marker)  허락하다: to allow 제발: delight  N만: only due north  보다: to encounter  내가: I (casual)   두근거리다: to pound, shell ( of heart)  뜸들이다: to hesitate  안기다: to come upwards into arms
Sweet Girl
you (I) want  ( I desire you)
Dream Girl
 입술 위로 / 녹아들 만큼 / 달콤하게 해줄게 (G64-3, 28, 57)
my  lips on / (you) volition melt equally much /  make sweetness I volition
( I’ll brand yous sweetness  so that you’ll melt on my lips.)
So Sweet Girl
(Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious)
Come On Girl
(Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious)
누구도 / 안 부러울 만큼 / 사랑 받게 해줄게 (G64-3, 28, 57)
that anyone / (you) won’t jealous equally much / make loved I volition
( I’ll brand yous loved together with thence that yous won’t endure jealous of anyone.)
, 나야/ No, 나야 / 제발 (G41)
Now,  me it’s /  No,  me it’s / please
( Now,  It’s me, no, it’s me, please)
Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious
Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious
Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious
Words)  널: yous (casual) , a brusk shape of 너를(너: you, 를: object marker)  원하다: to desire  내: my (casual) 입술: lips   N 위로: on function past times of due north  녹아들다: to melt  달콤하게 하다: to brand sweetness  그 N: that due north  누구도: anyone  부럽다: to endure jealous  사랑받게 하다: to brand loved   자 : right away  나: I , me (casual) 제발: delight
Verse 2)
이제 그만 비켜/  네겐 아까워
Now get out of the way /you to / (she) also good 
( Now function out of the way, she’s also proficient for you.)
너야 말로 집어 쳐 / 니  상대 아닌걸 (G65, 62)
You!  Stop it  /  (she) your  partner not
( It’s yous who should terminal it .She’s non your girl.)
Come On Girl, Love Is So Nutritious
Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious
는/  보다/  걜 몰라  
you / I  than / her don’t know
(  You don’t know her equally good equally I do.)
는/ 만큼 / 다 (G64-4)
you / I  as much / all can’t  give
( You can’t give her  as much equally  I can.)
옆에 잡아둘 뿐 / 니가 할게 뭐야 (G43,41)
next to concur (her) downwardly simply / yous will practise what ?
( You simply concur her downwardly side past times side to you, what volition yous do? )
는/  아무 것도 몰라
you / nothing don't know
( You don’t know anything.)
오랜 시간 곁을/  지켜봤어 (G18)
long time (her) side / (I) watched
( I’ve watched over her for a long time.)
꿈도 꾸지마 / 비켜 (G2)
dream fifty-fifty dont / get out of the agency  
( Don’t fifty-fifty dream close it. Get out of the way.)
Words) 이제 : right away  그만 비키다: to function out of the agency  네겐: to yous (written) , a brusk shape of 네게는 ( 네게: to yous 는: contrast marker) 아깝다: to endure also proficient for someone   너:you (casual)  집어치다: to terminal doing something  니: you, your (casual) 상대: partner, counterpart  나: I, me (casual)  N보다: thanN  걜: that somebody (casual) a brusk shape of 그애를 ( 그애: him or her, 를: object marker) 모르다: non to know  다: everything , all  주다: to give  N 옆에: side past times side to N,  잡아두다: to concur someone downwardly  뿐: only , simply equally a substantive  니: yous (casual) 하다: to practise  게: affair  뭐: what  아무것도: zilch , anything ( used only inward a negative sentence)  모르다: non to know  오랜 시간: a long fourth dimension  곁: side 지켜보다: to lookout adult man  over  꿈 꾸다: to dream ( 꿈: a dream)  N도: fifty-fifty due north  비키다: to function out of the agency
Sweet Girl
you (I) want  ( I desire you)
Dream Girl
 입술 위로 / 녹아들 만큼 / 달콤하게 해줄게 (G64-3, 28, 57)
my  lips on / (you) volition melt equally much /  make sweetness I volition
( I’ll brand yous sweetness  so that you’ll melt on my lips.)
So Sweet Girl
(Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious)
Come On Girl
(Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious)
누구도 / 안 부러울 만큼 / 사랑 받게 해줄게 (G64-3, 28, 57)
that anyone / (you) won’t jealous equally much / make loved I volition
( I’ll brand yous loved together with thence that yous won’t endure jealous of anyone.)
, 나야/ No, 나야 / 제발 (G41)
Now,  me it’s /  No,  me it’s / please
( Now,  It’s me, no, it’s me, please)
Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious
Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious
Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious
Words)  널: yous (casual) , a brusk shape of 너를(너: you, 를: object marker)  원하다: to desire  내: my (casual) 입술: lips   N 위로: on function past times of due north  녹아들다: to melt  달콤하게 하다: to brand sweetness  그 N: that due north  누구도: anyone  부럽다: to endure jealous  사랑받게 하다: to brand loved   자 : right away  나: I , me (casual) 제발: delight
이젠 택해/  얘 아님 , 누구? /  더 이상은,  No
now choose/  him or me,  who ?  / any longer,  No.
( Now yous choose, him or me,  who?  any longer No)
확실히 해 / 중에 하나
Be clear /  two with one
( Be clear,   one out of the 2 )
Come On Girl, Love Is So Nutritious
Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious
니가 원하는 건 나야 / 만족 시켜줄 건 나야 (G6,41,28,43)
you wanting thing (is) me / to satisfy (you) (is) me
( The 1 yous desire is me. The 1 to satisfy yous  is me. )
정확히 어울리는 건 나야 (G6,41)
exactly  matching thing (is)  me
( Exactly, the 1 matching with yous is me.)
Words) 이젠: right away , a brusk shape of 이제는 ( 이제: right away 는: comparative marker) 택하다: to select  얘: this somebody (casual) due north 아님 due north : due north or due north  나: I , me ( casual) 누구: who  더 이상 : anymore, whatsoever longer  니: yous (casual)  원하다: to desire  건: affair , a brusk shape of 거는 ( 거: affair 는: topic marker)  만족시키다: to satisfy  정확히 : precisely  어울리다: to fit
Sweet Girl
you (I) want  ( I desire you)
Dream Girl
 입술 위로 / 녹아들 만큼 / 달콤하게 해줄게 (G64-3, 28, 57)
my  lips on / (you) volition melt equally much /  make sweetness I volition
( I’ll brand yous sweetness  so that you’ll melt on my lips.)
So Sweet Girl
(Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious)
Come On Girl
(Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious)
누구도 / 안 부러울 만큼 / 사랑 받게 해줄게 (G64-3, 28, 57)
that anyone / (you) won’t jealous equally much / make loved I volition
( I’ll brand yous loved together with thence that yous won’t endure jealous of anyone.)
, 나야/ No, 나야 / 제발 (G41)
Now,  me it’s /  No,  me it’s / please
( Now,  It’s me, no, it’s me, please)
Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious
Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious
Come On Girl, Love Is So Delicious
Words)  널: yous (casual) , a brusk shape of 너를(너: you, 를: object marker)  원하다: to desire  내: my (casual) 입술: lips   N 위로: on function past times of due north  녹아들다: to melt  달콤하게 하다: to brand sweetness  그 N: that due north  누구도: anyone  부럽다: to endure jealous  사랑받게 하다: to brand loved   자 : right away  나: I , me (casual) 제발: delight

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