F(X)- Ruby-Red Light

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F(x)- Red Light  ( released inwards July, 2014)

Aye- aye- yep -aye hold off a minute

정글 속의 / 룰 따라  (G7)
jungle inwards / dominion according to
( According to the dominion of the jungle, )

약한 자는 먹혀
( Weak people get devoured.)

앞으로만 밀어대니 , Yeah 밀어대니 (G39)
ahead only force too hence ,  Yeah force so
( Just force ahead so, Yeah force ahead so,)

Nah 아차 하면/  밟혀
Nah  oops yesteryear error / get stepped on
( Nah  oops , they acquire stepped on yesteryear mistake)

Aye -Aye- It’s a Red Light, Light

이건 실제 상황
( This (is) a existent situation .)

가 잘못된 건지도 몰라 (G14,24-1)
what incorrect affair fifty-fifty  (they) dont know
( They don't fifty-fifty know what's wrong.)

Aye- Aye- It’s a Red Light, Light

경고하는 누군가 목소리를 잘 들어 (G6)
warning whoever voice good listen
( Listen carefully to the whoever is trying to warn us.)

Red light

잠시만  숨을 쉬어 봐 (G9)
a moment only breath endeavor
( Try to breathe for only a moment.)

Eh- Oh-Eh-Oh

이건  전쟁이 아니야 (G41-1)
this  war non  (This isn’t war)

Words) 정글: jungle 속: within 룰: dominion  N 따라 : according to northward  약하다: to hold out weak 먹히다: to acquire devoured  앞으로: ahead 만: solely , only  밀어대다: to force  아차! : oops!  아차 하면: oops yesteryear error  밟히다: to acquire stepped on 이건: this (a curt shape of 이것은, 이것: this, 은: topic marker) 실제: existent 상황: province of affairs 뭐: what 잘못되다: to hold out incorrect 거: affair    도 : fifty-fifty 모르다: non to know  경고하다: to warn 누군가: whoever  목소리: phonation 잘: good  듣다: to heed  잠시: a minute  숨을  쉬다: to breathe  전쟁: state of war


eyes widely open
( Open your eyes wide.)

거기 충돌 직전
there collision correct earlier
폭주를 멈춰
violent speeding stop
( Stop vehement speeding correct earlier the collision there.)

변화목격자가 되는 거야 (G7,50,41)
change's witness (you) becoming
( You're becoming a witness to change.)

밀어대던 거친 caterpillar (G34)
pushed ahead  rough caterpillar
( H5N1 fossil oil caterpillar that pushed ahead)

그 앞에 모두
that forepart inwards everything
침몰 할 때
sink when
( When everything sinks inwards forepart of the cherry-red light)

켜졌어 Red Light (G18)
( (It) is turned on, Red Light )

선명한 Red Light (G14)
( Vivid cherry-red lite )

스스로 켜져
( By itself , (it) is turned on)

그것은 Red Light
( That (is) a cherry-red Light )

Words) 눈: eyes  크게: widely 뜨다: to opened upward  거기: at that topographic point 충돌: collision  N 직전: correct earlier northward  폭주: vehement speeding  멈추다: to halt 변화: alter 목격자: witness 되다: to run out  밀어대다: to force 거칠다: to hold out fossil oil  그: that  N 앞에: inwards forepart of northward  모두: everything 침몰하다: to sink  켜지다: to hold out turned on  선명하다: to hold out bright  스스로: yesteryear oneself  그것: that thing, that


가 말한 '최선' 이란 변명 (G14)
you said  'the best' called excuse
( Your excuse called 'the best')

내겐 / 의문 투성이일뿐 (G44)
me to/ doubt filling only
( It is only filled amongst dubiety to me.)

진짜 사랑이란 어쩌면 아주 느린 파동 (G14)
( Real dear (is called) maybe a real boring wave.)

Aye yep it’s a cherry-red lite visible radiations

서로에게 / 찾자 (G44,33-1)
each other to / notice let's
( Let's notice it inwards ourselves.)

으로 찬 특별한 비상구 (G40,14)
lights amongst filled particular emergency run out
( The particular emergency run out filled amongst lights.)

Aye  Aye

생각해 봐 (G9)
think endeavor

그 무엇이 우릴 멈추게 했던 건지 (G34,24-1)
something  us  why  made halt
( Try to mean value why something made us stop.)

Red light

한번를  돌아 돌아 돌아
once only back  turn plow turn
( Turn unopen to only once.)

Eh- Oh-Eh-Oh

소중한 걸 찾아 봐 , 찾아,  찾아 (G14,9)
precious affair notice endeavor , find , find
( Try to notice what's precious.)

Words) 니: yous (casual) 말하다: to verbalize 최선: the best   A 이란 B : B called H5N1   변명: excuse 내겐 : me to ( a curt shape of 내게는 , 내게: to me, 는: comparative marker)  의문  투성이: filling amongst dubiety ( 의문: doubt)  N일뿐: only northward  진짜: existent 사랑: dear  어쩌면 : peradventure  아주: real 느리다: to hold out boring 파동: moving ridge  서로 :  each other ( 서로: each other)  찾다: to notice  빛: lite 차다: to produce amount  특별하다: to hold out particular 비상구: emergency run out  생각하다: to mean value 그 무엇: something  우릴: us ( a curt shape of 우리를, 우리: we, 를: object marking ) 왜: why   멈추게 하다 : to halt  거: affair  한번: ane time  N만: only northward  뒤를 돌다: to plow unopen to  소중하다: to hold out precious  걸: affair ( a curt shape of 것을, 것: thing, 을: object marker) 찾다: to notice


eyes widely open
( Open your eyes wide.)

거기 충돌 직전
there collision correct earlier
폭주를 멈춰
violent speeding stop
( Stop vehement speeding correct earlier the collision there.)

변화목격자가 되는 거야 (G7,50,41)
change's witness (you) becoming
( You're becoming a witness to change.)

밀어대던 거친 caterpillar (G34)
pushed ahead  rough caterpillar
( H5N1 fossil oil caterpillar that pushed ahead)

그 앞에 모두
that forepart inwards everything
침몰 할 때
sink when
( When everything sinks inwards forepart of that ,)

켜졌어 Red Light (G18)
( (It) is turned on, Red Light )

선명한 Red Light (G14)
( Vivid cherry-red lite )

스스로 켜져
( By itself , (it) is turned on)

그것은 Red Light
( That (is) a cherry-red Light )

켜졌어 Red Light (G18)
( (It) is turned on, Red Light )

개의 Red Light (G7)
two things' cherry-red lite
( Two cherry-red lights)

붉은 태양과 니 의 Red Light (G53)
red sun too  your  front's cherry-red light
( Red Sun too the cherry-red lite inwards forepart of you)

Words) 눈: eyes  크게: widely 뜨다: to opened upward  거기: at that topographic point 충돌: collision  N 직전: correct earlier northward  폭주: vehement speeding  멈추다: to halt 변화: alter 목격자: witness 되다: to run out  밀어대다: to force 거칠다: to hold out fossil oil  그: that  N 앞에: inwards forepart of northward  모두: everything 침몰하다: to sink  켜지다: to hold out turned on  선명하다: to hold out bright  스스로: yesteryear oneself  그것: that thing, that  두 개: two, 2 things 붉다: to hold out cherry-red 태양: Sun  니: yous (casual)  앞: forepart

기적은 오는 걸 (G50)
( H5N1 miracle ( is) coming)

너무 오래 걸렸지만 (G18,30)
too long (it) took but
( It’s taken likewise long but,)

파란 , 우린 기다려 (G14)
blue light, nosotros  wait
( We hold off for the blueish light.)

want  (We desire it)

Violent speeding  stop
( Stop that vehement speeding.)

이건 실제 상황 / 목소리 들어 봐 (G9)
this existent situation/ voice heed endeavor
( This is a existent situation. Try to heed to the voice.)

eyes widely open
( Open your eyes wide.)

너의 에 / 나타난 세상 (G7,14)
your front inwards / appeared world  look
( Look at the basis that appeared inwards forepart of you.)

밀어만 대던 (G34)
pushed solely ahead

충돌 직전 / 밀어내던 (G34)
collision correct earlier / you pushed ahead

Caterpillar 그건 Madness
Caterpillar that (is) madness
( That caterpillar is a madness , which solely pushed ahead yous correct earlier the collision.)

Words)  기적: miracle 오다: to come upward 너무 오래: likewise long 걸리다: to cause got  파랗다: to hold out blueish 불: lights 우린: nosotros (a curt shape of 우리는, 우리: nosotros , 는: topic marker) 기다리다: to hold off 원하다: to desire  폭주: vehement speeding 멈추다: to halt 이건: this (a curt shape of 이것은, 이것: this, 은: topic marker) 실제: existent 상황: province of affairs  목소리: phonation 듣다: to heed  눈: eyes 크게: widely  뜨다: to opened upward 너의: your (casual)  앞: forepart  나타나다: to appear 세상: basis 보다: to hold off  밀어대다: to force 만: only  충돌: collision northward 직전: correct earlier northward  널: yous (casual, a curt shape of 너를, 너: yous , 를: object marker)  그건: that ( a curt shape of 그것은, 그것: that, 은: topic marker)

켜졌어 Red Light (G18)
( (It) is turned on, Red Light )

선명한 Red Light (G14)
( Vivid cherry-red lite )

스스로 켜져
( By itself , (it) is turned on)

그것은 Red Light
( That (is) a cherry-red Light )

켜졌어 Red Light (G18)
( (It) is turned on, Red Light )

개의 Red Light (G7)
two things' cherry-red lite
( Two cherry-red lights)

붉은 태양과 니 의 Red Light (G53)
red sun too  your  front's cherry-red light
( Red Sun too the cherry-red lite inwards forepart of you)

Words) 켜지다: to hold out turned on  선명하다: to hold out bright  스스로: yesteryear oneself  그것: that thing, that  두 개: two, 2 things 붉다: to hold out cherry-red 태양: Sun  니: yous (casual)  앞: forepart

by Eunha Seo

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