Twice Fans Present Trouble Organisation Over Jungyeon's Wellness At La Concert

Video: Rumors of wellness problems amongst Twice's Jungyeon at LA concert (fans worried)

Source: TBig News via YouTube

1. [+457] I promise she doesn't experience pressured or the bespeak to overwork herself merely for a comeback. I desire her to remainder equally much equally she needs as well as come upward dorsum when she feels ready.

2. [+99] Her wellness should ever accept priority over seeing her fans. At to the lowest degree for the sake of her worried fans, I wishing she'd merely accept a deep intermission as well as await until she feels ameliorate to come upward back. The Twice members as well as us fans get got as well as hence much fourth dimension left to taste together!! I'll back upward y'all until y'all experience better! Fighting!!

3. [+81] Whether it's taking a long intermission or coming dorsum to promote, I desire her to produce what she wants. Sometimes taking a intermission tin add together to the stress 1 feels inward these situations. I merely desire her to produce what she wants to do. Don't experience stressed over anything else.

4. [+55] When you're tired as well as exhausted, taking a intermission is the best solution in that location is. There's nil that improves past times overworking yourself. I promise she takes a deep break, gets better, as well as comes dorsum feeling better.

5. [+7] Jungyeon's an angel for getting dorsum on phase for her fans but I'm scared this volition displace her to stop promos over again ㅠ She should actually last taking a intermission as well as focusing on treating her panic disorder. Find forcefulness as well as fighting, we'll ever last supporting you.

6. [+9] Jungyeon-ah, us fans are as well as hence happy to encounter y'all ㅠ but I thinkw e all desire y'all to accept a longer break.. larn your treatment, remainder upward ㅠㅠ nosotros honey y'all 💚

7. [+19] All Once desire is for Jungyeon to last salubrious as well as happy as well as hence accept a deep intermission as well as come upward dorsum after!

8. [+51] It's been a piece since I've been over daughter groups but I actually get got a lot of abide by for Jungyeon. What tin y'all state to somebody who is as well as hence swollen from battling an illness? I can't imagine how upset she must feel. It's amazing that she continues to larn dorsum upward on stage.

9. [+42] No affair what anyone says, I don't desire her to overexert herself. She tin encounter us fans when she feels ready. I'm merely concerned that she mightiness overexert herself unnecessarily as well as displace her status to cash inward one's chips worse.

10. [+11] I know that Twice is an amazing grouping that's actually pop correct now, but she in all probability understands the brusk life bridge of idol groups as well as in all probability feels a lot of anxiety close non beingness able to promote at this moment. Maybe that's why she's willing to overexert herself to attend these promos. Instead of forcing her to remainder earlier her side past times side comeback, I merely desire to exhibit my back upward for whatever determination she goes with.


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