Actress Kim Sae Ron Arrested For Drunkard Driving, Crashing Car, As Well As Fleeing From The Scene

Article: [Exclusive] Actress Kim Sae Ron caught going on the run later hitting construction piece boozer driving... nether police describe investigation

Source: Asia Economy via Naver

1. [+804, -6] Tsk tsk tsk, it's over for you lot too

2. [+510, -4] What was the signal inward ajusshi rescuing you

3. [+423, -6] I merely read an article most a delivery driver inward their twenties who died from a boozer driving accident... This actually enrages me. Any celebrity caught drinking as well as driving should live on barred from ever coming back.

4. [+296, -2] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Only 21 years onetime but boozer driving as well as running away on tape ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ farewell, how crazy of you, sigh

5. [+89, -1] I recall she swore on a TV present 1 time as well as I figured she had quite the temper as well as await at her become now... I ever knew her temper would acquire the amend of her 1 twenty-four threescore minutes catamenia alongside a scandal similar this

6. [+67, -3] She's therefore sly, she requested a blood examination therefore she could bide to a greater extent than fourth dimension ㅋㅋ that sounds similar she's been drinking as well as driving quite oftentimes to know the ins as well as outs of the procedure ㅋ Honestly, she didn't fifty-fifty grow upward to live on that pretty. For her grapheme to live on stone bottom similar this.... merely rest out of the manufacture as well as worry most getting married. But alongside this on her record, could she fifty-fifty acquire married?

7. [+58, -0] She was boozer driving at 8 am as well as and therefore requested a blood test?? Is she serious?

8. [+61, -6] I knew this would travel on alongside her ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ she earned such huge fame at a immature historic catamenia as well as ever demanded that people process her similar a atomic number 82 star.. looks similar her career is over alongside this scandal ㅎ rest tranquillity as well as reflect... honestly, her confront is similar whatever ajumma's you'd notice inward your town. She lucked out past times getting variety inward a expert moving painting because her acting skills aren't fifty-fifty that amazing either.

9. [+48, -0] No wonder recall when she swore inward front end of all the seniors as well as staff piece fishing? ㅋ

10. [+21, -0] Hul I don't actually know what she's done other than her tyke role inward 'Man From Nowhere' but I approximate this is it for her picture then


Source: Naver

1. [+662, -3] This is non what the ajusshi rescued you lot for

2. [+205, -1] End

3. [+138, -4] She's crazy... she was on TV bragging most her examination scores, buying a car, how she's such a dandy driver. Looks similar she's a dandy boozer driver too.

4. [+89, -3] She's actually most that YOLO life isn't she

5. [+71, -3] For how rich celebrities are, why are they therefore stingy most merely calling a cab


Article: Kim Sae Ron was alongside some other during her boozer driving crash... who is it?

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver

1. [+3,920, -13] She is such a nuisance ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1,914, -37] She likely idea she was higher upward the law later gaining therefore much fame at such a immature age. How tin post away you lot already live on boozer driving this early on inward the morning time at her age?

3. [+1,476, -57] This is non what your ajusshi rescued you lot for..

4. [+679, -42] Not similar her acting skills are whatever good, it's a expert fourth dimension to destination her career correct here!!

5. [+272, -2] I promise she compensates everyone for the repair of the safety rail, the loss of line of piece of occupation organization for the stores merely about the area, the people who had to come upward as well as repair everything... It's pretty obvious she spent the whole nighttime drinking as well as purposely chose early on morning time to drive abode thinking that there'd live on less of a adventure that she'd acquire caught.

6. [+243, -6] This ugly daughter lucked out past times landing 1 expert movie... alone to destination upward alongside the celebrity disease. Her looks as well as acting accept null impact... as well as I ever wondered how long her fame would final as well as await at this now.. tsk tsk, goodbye

7. [+226, -3] She earned also much fame at a immature age, learned aught but bad things.. same goes for whoever was sitting side past times side to her. Every line of piece of occupation organization that was affected past times her crash should sue her as well as brand certain she tin post away never acquire behind the bicycle again.

8. [+148, -0] I volition never sympathise why celebrities create this when they tin post away merely telephone phone a driver. Thank goodness no 1 was hurt.


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