Aespa's Ningning Nether Disputation For Refusing To Bow During Korean Greetings

Video: Aespa Ningning nether disputation for video clips showing only her refusing to bow (Same path every bit Wang Yiren...?!)

Source: TBig News via YouTube

1. [+1,200] I notice Korean fans who hold stanning Chinese idols to a greater extent than bizarre

2. [+638] What's funny too lamentable close this whole affair is that it's non that mainland People's Republic of China doesn't accept a civilization of bowing... they used to, it's merely that they decided it was a bad custom during the cultural revolution too got rid of it. The Taiwanese notwithstanding bow.

3. [+659] I notwithstanding notice it funny that Karina was the most controversial fellow member when this grouping debuted too every bit good got the most loathe but always since their debut, she's been the most quietest ㅋㅋ.. actually goes to present that you lot should never assume everything close a person.

4. [+401] There's a argue there's the proverb produce every bit the Romans produce when inward Rome

5. [+111] K-Pop singers who promote inward mainland People's Republic of China all memorized Chinese sayings for New Year's Day greetings too whatnot. They every bit good never forcefully did whatever Korean bows over at that spot either. However, Ningning is nether a K-Pop means working every bit a K-Pop vocalizer too it's merely rude that she refuses to produce her greetings the Korean way. Why does she intend all the other Japanese too Thai idols greet the Korean way? 

6. [+427] She chose to come upwards to Korea to brand her coin here. She doesn't accept to sympathise our civilization but she should at to the lowest degree pretend to survive next our customs on the outside, no? It's non similar Koreans become to a province where it's uncustomary to pet the heads of children too notwithstanding forcefully produce it.

7. [+498] I'm trying to survive agreement that nosotros all accept dissimilar customs too whatnot but considering the persuasion going on inward our country, shouldn't she at to the lowest degree teach a clue too present that she's putting inward roughly variety of effort?

8. [+375] Giselle's a foreigner too has no employment alongside bowing ㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+117] This grouping would survive perfect without Ningning

10. [+54] There are enough of Japanese, Thai, too other foreigner idols who accept no employment alongside the Korean bow. If it's only the Chinese idols who loathe doing it, thence don't promote inward our manufacture at all. Why brand your coin inward Korea but decline to hand your fans New Year's Day blessings?


Article: SM stocks plummet later on Ningning's "gold medal" post... they pick out to remain soundless on Olympics

Source: The Joongang via Naver

1. [+4,023, -29] Just kicking her out too promote the grouping every bit three

2. [+2,393, -9] No to a greater extent than preparation unusual idols. They all backstab us too become dorsum to their habitation countries to beak sh*t close Korea too Koreans. This isn't the offset fourth dimension this has happened.

3. [+1,584, -5] Is it fifty-fifty necessary to accept Chinese members? If anything, it feels similar a detriment to the group's global activities.

4. [+181, -3] SM itself is a pro-China company. From EXO to f(x), at that spot has non been i grouping where they haven't included a Chinese fellow member because they know that they won't teach Chinese investments without them. It's actually a plough off. 

5. [+155, -0] I accept yet to run into a grouping survive successful exclusively off of their Chinese fellow member thence why produce nosotros hold including them? Why doesn't SM merely transfer their fellowship to mainland People's Republic of China already?

6. [+114, -0] BTS has been a long running grouping because they don't accept Chinese members. If they had one, he would've backstabbed the grouping too left already.

7. [+73, -0] Ningning's Chinese. If she likes her habitation province thence much, why non become home? Why brand her coin here?

8. [+34, -0] I accept never seen a Chinese idol who worked inward Korea become dorsum to mainland People's Republic of China too tell dainty things close our country. Does anyone think all of the heinous things Hangeng said close Korea when he went back? SM has suffered this fourth dimension too fourth dimension i time to a greater extent than but continues to suck upwards to mainland People's Republic of China similar a skillful lap dog, too it's actually misfortunate to run into them produce allt his for them only to notwithstanding survive banned from belongings concerts there.


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