Top's Confident(?) Manners

Fan: "Look at his rap rhyme ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Oppa is jjang"

TOP: "I'm all of a abrupt curious. Do you lot guys fifty-fifty know which ones are novel when you lot meet the rhymes?" ㅋㅋ"

His smiling(?) human face upward every mo he's getting kicked out of the constabulary unit


Pann: TOP's confidence

1. [+343, -9] TOP is non considered a expert rapper, honestly ㅋㅋㅋㅋ He's all nigh his voice.

2. [+313, -3] Wow, his respond is as well as then amount of himself. "Do you lot guys fifty-fifty know"? How does he fifty-fifty sentiment his fans? I estimate he looked downward on them since he knew they were stanning for his face.

3. [+306, -9] Honestly, TOP's rapping as well as lyrics are non considered expert ㅋㅋ Truly talented ones are similar Zico. TOP is simply nigh Bigbang as well as his voice.

4. [+225, -2] Do you lot intend they'll withal similar you lot if they know the rhymes?

5. [+114, -0] So funny, they hear to him because they're his fans ㅋㅋㅋㅋ No 1 listens to your rap except your fans.

6. [+83, -0] Not fifty-fifty 'you people', 'everyone', 'VIPs', but 'you guys' ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He's clearly looking downward on them. He has a daebak personality.
(tn: The means he says 'you guys' is real informal)

7. [+74, -0] Look at the means he talks to his fans ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+60, -0] Wow ㅋㅋㅋㅋ He sounds as well as then rude. If I were the fan, I would've said, "Yeah You're as well as then talented " as well as left the fandom. I abhor it when someone embarrasses others for no reason.

9. [+54, -4] His ears are apologizing past times bowing down.

10. [+51, -0] This is why you lot should cease stanning celebrities that convey reached the top. You tin locomote never honour the rookie mindset from them. Look at Toilet Yoochun...

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