Ranking Of K-Pop Streaming On Spotify

 (Long fourth dimension no see, I took a long COVID suspension for myself!)

Pann: Ranking of K-pop streaming worldwide on Spotify

1. [+107, -4] Look at the gap between... BTS actually is a wall

2. [+88, -2] BTS' Spotify streaming is #19 inwards history. #1 is Drake together with and other artists inwards exceed twenty are actually pop ones similar Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande, Post Malone, together with Eminem. Seeing how BTS is on the ranking equally a non-English artist, they're merely roughly other level.

3. [+65, -2] BTS is roughly other level.

4. [+30, -0] It's misfortunate how roughly people claim BTS doesn't accept a mega hitting song.

5. [+20, -1] BTS' Spotify streaming is 623M together with the residuum of K-pop streaming is 684.18M. BTS together with K-pop are separated.

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