Projects Chosen Past Times Joo Won Himself Vs. Joo Won's Agency

Projects chosen past times Joo Won (his way strongly opposed them all):

Good Doctor

Bridal Mask

Ojakgyo Family


Projects chosen past times his agency:

Steal My Heart

Naeil's Cantabile

Fashion King


Pann: Projects chosen past times Joo Won vs. Joo Won's agency

1. [+197, -1] Is his way his anti?

2. [+162, -3] I tin strength out encounter the type of genre that his way wants to become for... But it seems similar the histrion has amend eyes. He should select his ain projects.

3. [+114, -0] Agency-nim, delight don't block the futurity for Joo Won...

4. [+48, -0] Oh, he has actually expert eyes ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I haven't fifty-fifty heard of Steal My Heart.

5. [+47, -0] Bridal Mask is amazing. Other actors rejected it because of hallyu simply he chose to produce it. Thumbs up!!

6. [+37, -0] Projects chosen past times Joo Won: Oh, ooh, ohhh!! Projects chosen past times agency: What? Ah. Hul.

7. [+34, -2] Joo Won is amazing. People telephone weep upward him a encompass for Lee Seunggi on 1N2D simply this Lee Seunggi jerk is a liar. When Kang Ho Dong's scandal broke out, KBS planned to shape 1N2D amongst Lee Seunggi equally the view simply Lee Seunggi rejected it. KBS told him they would position him equally the atomic number 82 role inwards an upcoming drama in addition to that was Bridal Mask. Lee Seunggi was actually flustered because he was close to own got a Japanese showcase in addition to it would flop if he starred inwards Bridal Mask. So Lee Seunggi announced that he won't produce whatsoever drama in addition to exclusively focus on his singing career. But he flopped inwards Nippon in addition to starred inwards a drama equally a Rex on a dissimilar channel. KBS was pissed in addition to blacklisted Lee Seunggi. Since then, he hasn't appeared on KBS other than 1N2D. Every famous manly individual celebrity rejected Bridal Mask because of their Japanese fans. Joo Won, who was a semi-nugu, was the exclusively 1 who accepted it. KBS thanked him in addition to position him on 1N2D. Then he starred inwards weekend dramas equally atomic number 82 roles.

8. [+22, -0] Good Doctor is the best... The grapheme isn't cringey in addition to Joo Won's acting was actually good. Bridal Mask could've turned out childish simply Joo Won saved it.

9. [+21, -0] Can his way remain put...

10. [+17, -0] His way was trying to difficult to ruin his career simply he succeeded ㅋㅋ

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