Update Yang Hyun Suk Updates Blackpink's Results Every Lx Minutes + His Result-Obsession?

#BLACKPINK #Within1Hour #1onJapaneseItunes

#BLACKPINK #Within2Hours #1.2 rank

#BLACKPINK #Within3Hours #1on23Countries

#BLACKPINK #With5Hours #1on30Countries

#BLACKPINK #Within6Hours #Youtube10Mviews


Pann: Yang boss is then frustrating

1. [+235, -2] He must've been refreshing Youtube every minute to postal service it equally shortly equally the views reached 10M.

2. [+220, -4] It gives me goosebumps ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Yang boss is then frustrating ㅋㅋㅋㅋ He fifty-fifty discriminates his ain man child groups. Not only the groups, but he also discriminates the members, also ㅋㅋ

3. [+159, -3] Result-obsessed põrnikas ㅋㅋ

4. [+123, -1] He calls Kang Seungyoon 7080-style together with BI says inwards an interview that it's his fault. I tin dismiss tell how he's scolding the artists yesteryear results ㅋㅋ Hyun Suk-ah, goal existence on your telephone together with brand roughly plans ^^

5. [+117, -2] Result-obsessed põrnikas indeed. Since Winner's Really Really together with iKON's Love Scenario, his handling towards them changed completely ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+94, -0] He was a "kid" inwards Seo Taeji together with the Kids together with yet he discriminates his artists a lot ㅋㅋㅋㅋ His artists are much better-looking together with talented than him. He cages them inwards his ain treasure box together with solely lets them promote on Inkigayo. How are they supposed to gain to a greater extent than fans from that? It's of import to travel exposed when you're a rookie artist. He thinks his artists are at Bigbang level.

7. [+86, -2] The solely flaw of stanning Winner is that the artists accept to run nether Yang boss. The fans are suffocating then much, I can't imagine how it's similar for Winner. I'm certain all YG fans experience the same ㅋㅋ He doesn't fifty-fifty process them nicely but he changes his mental attitude when an creative individual larn practiced results. Because of the result-obsessed bug, the fans are struggling a lot.

8. [+71, -0] I tin dismiss meet how jealous he becomes when non-YG artists produce well. Yang boss is solely a businessman. Blackpink is doing really good but they're even then solely a few years old, he's solely pressuring them yesteryear doing this. He's a boss together with yet he's acting similar that ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Usually, solely composers together with staffs would spam posts similar that together with travel happy.

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