Update [World Cup] Korea & Japan, Argentina Vs Nigeria, France Vs Denmark, Iceland Vs Croatia

Article: Saudi Arabia, Iran, together with Commonwealth of Australia larn eliminated inward a row, Korea & Nippon are the alone countries left inward AFC

Source: My Daily via Naver

1. [+2625, -74] More similar alone Nippon is left.

2. [+2103, -74] Korea is considered eliminated already... It's funny how we're nevertheless counting on the possibilities alongside ii losses already.

3. [+1781, -84] Just tell alone Nippon is left. What Korea & Nippon ㅋㅋ Are you lot that shameless ㅋㅋ

4. [+989, -98] I but desire our squad to score 1 destination inward the upcoming gibe against Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany then that every Asian province would conduct maintain scored a goal.

5. [+821, -34] Islamic Republic of Iran tried for the Round of xvi until the end. They must hold upward sorry ㅋㅋ

6. [+243, -9] As if we're left because we're good. We're left because our gibe nevertheless hasn't taken place. We're eliminated already.

Article: 'Messi-Rojo's goals' Argentine Republic beats Nigeria past times 2-1... Miraculous advancement into the Round of 16

Source: InterFootball via Naver

1. [+1567, -93] Maradona's pump fingers were then funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1265, -67] Is Maradona crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+1145, -87] Ah, this World Cup is then much fun ㅋㅋㅋ It made me forget the dawn estrus ㅋㅋㅋ Meanwhile, Maradona's pump finger demo ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅗㅗ

4. [+840, -7] Rojo's destination was amazing...

5. [+665, -4] Today's highlight was Maradona's pump fingers ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+407, -115] Incredible. As expected of MeGod. The Best. Amazing.

Article: Upset legend, "This is the worst... We didn't pass coin to sentry a gibe similar this"

Source: STN sports via Naver

1. [+1685, -26] Even if they were friends, they shouldn't hold upward playing similar this. They don't assist since they're qualified for the Round of xvi already.

2. [+1243, -40] This gibe was a full waste materials of the national value of French Republic & Denmark, tsk tsk.

3. [+1174, -28] People nevertheless would've expected a lot since it's French Republic vs. Kingdom of Denmark but the audience alone got their eyes rotten. Their gibe was a full slack-off.

4. [+910, -22] This gibe deserves every criticism. Waste of the countries' advert value.

5. [+774, -41] So selfish, they should see the audience, too.

6. [+95, -4] Of the 80K audience, a lot of them must've paid for bird tickets, hotel rooms, together with trip fees to sentry the match. Even but alongside the ticket price, it would hold upward upsetting enough.

Article: 'Pouring their souls into it' Republic of Iceland gets defeated past times Republic of Croatia 1-2... Fails to advance into the Round of 16

Source: Sportal Korea via Naver

1. [+493, -11] Republic of Croatia is actually good.

2. [+456, -14] Good work, Iceland...

3. [+334, -11] Republic of Croatia is seriously good. Their teamwork is getting improve together with better.

4. [+317, -16] They tried their best.

5. [+226, -7] You tried your best!

6. [+51, -3] Republic of Croatia has no mercy ㅋㅋ If Republic of Iceland won, Republic of Croatia would've saved their liberate energy together with Argentine Republic would've been eliminated... Very unlike from French Republic together with Kingdom of Denmark ㅋㅋ This is a existent competition, Group D is a keen group.

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