Police Majority Nam Tae Hyun In Addition To Seo Minute Jae For Drug Abuse Investigations Side Yesteryear Side Week

Article: [Exclusive] Police to laid out investigations on Nam Tae Hyun as well as Seo Min Jae's drug abuse... calling inwards side yesteryear side week

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

1. [+1,502, -8] I wonder if these 2 are trying to set it off for every bit long every bit possible until the drugs won't last establish inwards their pilus test? Why is it thence difficult to only larn them tested immediately? This is why drug abuse has gotten thence out of hand...

2. [+683, -14] Seems similar Seo Min Jae going on that dating demo has pop off a curse on her life. She may receive got been able to brand slow coin alongside her newfound fame but she's lost to a greater extent than than she thinks.

3. [+482, -13] The constabulary are basically giving them fourth dimension to bleach as well as shave their hair

4. [+411, -22] Nam Tae Hyun must last the type to gaslight his girlfriends... he ruins all of the girls he's with

5. [+76, -3] She was such a smart mortal living a happy life but at nowadays her life is ruined because of a error of a man. Why of all the celebrities did it receive got to last this i alongside his drugged upward eyes?

6. [+64, -1] I cry back she used to receive got such a brilliant human face upward on 'Heart Signal' but at nowadays she looks thence dark

7. [+66, -5] Seo Min Jae's a truthful loss of talent. Too bad her life had to last ruined similar this because she has no optic for choosing men. In Ha University, Hanyang University, masters inwards engineering, got into Hyundai... all of that difficult function has pop off dust.

8. [+37, -0] As the proverb goes, it's commonly birds of a plume who flock together thence I receive got no comment

9. [+33, -1] Nam Tae Hyun ruined his ain career as well as life. He used to last Winner's #1 virtually pop fellow member inwards YG but had to locomote out because of his scandals. Winner's been on the upward as well as upward e'er since. He thence tried to shape his ain band but they've been nugu for years now. In the meantime, he's gotten into several scandals alongside unlike women, as well as at nowadays a drug scandal? He's genuinely kicked his ain luck out the window. 

10. [+25, -0] Seems similar it's fourth dimension that our province declares a state of war on drugs. It's spread thence far inside our country.


Article: Police majority Nam Tae Hyun as well as Seo Min Jae for drug abuse charges

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+385] It's fourth dimension they purpose ways

2. [+266] Such a mess 👏👏👏👏👏

3. [+119] A laid upward of messes

4. [+144] If they exam positive, I'm certain we'll last able to larn the names of everyone else around them too

5. [+72] Booked shoulder to shoulder, together together

6. [+61] All I tin produce is express mirth ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+25] Seems similar they did drugs, got into a fight, posted out of spite, as well as thence got caught fifty-fifty afterward taking it downward ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+57] They tin article of apparel pair handcuffs together now

9. [+53] And this is what nosotros telephone phone "digging your ain grave"

10. [+18] It actually took a 2nd for it to all come upward crashing down...


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